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Guide to Common Octave Commands

I learned all of this from Andrew Ng's course on Coursera - be sure to check it out if you want to learn more!

What is Octave?

"GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems."

Octave can be used to either fully implement machine learning algorithms or provide a blueprint for developers to later use another language such as Java.

If you have not yet downloaded Octave, use the following link:

Download Octave

Basic operations

Note: Do not enter the ">>". This is just a prompt.

>> 5+6
ans = 11
>> 3-2
ans = 1
>> 4*3
ans = 12
>> 2/3
ans = 0.66667
>> 2*5
ans = 32

Boolean Operations

Octave can also be used to handle boolean operations. Octave uses 0 for false and 1 for true

>> 1 == 2
ans = 0
>> 1 == 1
ans = 1
>> 1 && 2
>> ans = 0
1 || 0 
>> ans = 1

The default prompt is octave:1>, but you can change this default prompt with the following command:

PS1('>> ');

The string in quotes will be the new default prompt.

Assigning variables

>> a = 2
a = 3

You can make sure the console doesn’t print any output by including semicolons

>> a = 2;

Then, print the variable by typing it in.

>> a
a = 2

Print out numbers with a certain number of decimal places with the following command:

disp(sprintf('2 decimals: %0.2f', a))

Change the format of decimals with the following command

>> format short
>> format long


You can create matrices using the following commands. Semicolons separate rows:

>> A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6] 
A = 

  1   2
  3   4
  5   6
>> A = [1 2;
> 3 4;
> 5 6]

A = 

  1   2
  3   4
  5   6

You can also create vectors (matrices with only one column)

v = [1; 2; 3]
v =

The code below initializes a matrix with numbers from 1 to 2, incremented by 0.2.

>> 1:0.2:2 

ans =

    1.0000    1.2000    1.4000    1.6000    1.8000    2.0000
 >>v = 1:6
 v =

   1   2   3   4   5   6

You can also perform matrix operations:

>> ones(2,3)
ans =

   1   1   1
   1   1   1

>> C = 2*ones(2,3)
C =

   2   2   2
   2   2   2

>> w = zeros(1,3)
w =

   0   0   0

You can also use random values to generate a matrix:

>> w = rand(1,3)
w =

   0.78627   0.52859   0.11786

>> rand(3,3)
ans =

   0.21298   0.86839   0.94668
   0.50902   0.95247   0.34806
   0.80769   0.55453   0.56063

Identity Matrix:

>> eye(4)
ans =

Diagonal Matrix

   1   0   0   0
   0   1   0   0
   0   0   1   0
   0   0   0   1

Size and Length

>> A
A =

   1   2
   3   4
   5   6

>> size(A)
ans =

   3   2

>> sz = size(A)
sz =

   3   2

>> size(sz)
ans =

   1   2

>> size(A,1)
ans =  3
>> size(A,2)
ans =  2
>> v = [1 2 3 4]
v =

   1   2   3   4

>> length(v)
ans =  4

Working with Files

pwd stands for "print working directory" and it prints out your current location in the file directory.

>> pwd
ans = /Users/zoe

cd stands for "change directory" and it lets you change your current location.

>> cd /Users/zoe/Documents 
>> pwd
ans = /Users/zoe/Documents

ls lists the files in your current directory. I have a data file PDXprecip.dat saved there. You can download PDXprecip.dat here

>> ls

Load the data in PDXprecip.dat using the "load" command.

>> load PDXprecip.dat

Use the "who" command to view the current variables.

>> who
Variables in the current scope:

A          PDXprecip  ans        v
C          a          sz         w

>> size(PDXprecip)
ans =

   12    2

"whos" is a more detailed version of "who" and also gives you size and type of current variables.

>> whos
Variables in the current scope:

   Attr Name           Size                     Bytes  Class
   ==== ====           ====                     =====  ===== 
        A              3x2                         48  double
        C              2x3                         48  double
        PDXprecip     12x2                        192  double
        a              1x1                          8  double
        ans            1x2                         16  double
        sz             1x2                         16  double
        v              1x4                         32  double
        w              1x10000                  80000  double

Total is 10045 elements using 80360 bytes

You can create a vector using the first five elements of the data you downloaded:

>> v = PDXprecip(1:5)
v =

   1   2   3   4   5

You can also create and save a new file using the "save" command.

>> save file.mat v;
>> load file.mat
>> save hello.txt v -ascii

More Matrix Operations

A(3, 2) finds the element at the 3rd row, 2nd column.

>> A=[1 3; 4 6; 8 9]
A =

   1   3
   4   6
   8   9

>> A(3,2)
ans =  9

A(2,:) prints all elements in row 2

>> A(2,:)
ans =

   4   6

A(:,2) prints all elements in column 2

>> A(:,2)
ans =



A(:,2) = [10; 11; 12] replaces column 2 with a new vector of your choosing)

>> A(:,2) = [10; 11; 12]
A =

    1   10
    4   11
    8   12

A = [A, [45; 46; 47]] appends the vector [45; 46; 47] to the right of the matrix A.

>> A = [A, [45; 46; 47]]
A =

    1   10   45
    4   11   46
    8   12   47

size(A) finds the row and column size of the matrix A.

>> size(A)
ans =

   3   3

The following command creates a vector out of a 3 x 2 matrix by appending the second column below the first.

>> A(:)
ans =



Let's initialize our two matrices, A and B.

>> A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]
A =

   1   2
   3   4
   5   6

>> B = [10 11; 12 13; 14 15]
B =

   10   11
   12   13
   14   15

You can also use two matrices to make a bigger matrix by appending one onto the end of the other. Using a semicolon between A and B adds B to the bottom of A:

>> C = [A; B]
C =

    1    2
    3    4
    5    6
   10   11
   12   13
   14   15

If you use a space or a comma between A and B, B will be added to the right of A.

>> C = [A B]
C =

    1    2   10   11
    3    4   12   13
    5    6   14   15


Hope this helped! If you want to learn more about working with data in Octave, check out my next tutorial:

More Computations With Octave